Be part of the crew! Coolphabet is a NFT collection based on the ethereum blockchain. There are 216 unique letters, generated from all alphabetical characters and numbers. They come in six different color schemes and have a very fresh, beautiful and strong look. They are here to be yours!
Coolphabet is here, waiting for you. Click and get your unique creative NFT letter. Each of them has their own look, style and even personality. Mint now for just 0.05 ETH.
Public sale starts on end of Jan 2021, check our Twitter for updates.
The price will be 0.05 $ETH per NFT + gas fees.
216 unique NFTs generated from 36 possible letters & numbers adapted to 6 different color schemes.
All assets are securely stored on IPFS and will live there forever.
The font and color of the letter will be acquired randomly. If you wish to have a specific one, try to buy it on Opensea.
Once you have a letter, if you wish you can get it in a higher resolution format so you can use it however you want.
Each owner will get free mint for all our upcoming NFT projects. This is just the start.
Why to buy? Because you want to be part of the crew, or because you like design, art, typography & NTFs, or because you want a letter for yourself to use it as you wish... or maybe just because you want to support us getting started in the NFT universe! ;)
We are passionate about design, technology and the upcoming metaverse. If you would like tell us how cool we are or you need help with your web3 project please get in contact with us.